How to Replace a Fender Telecaster CTS Volume or Tone Pot (for beginners) Admin, October 19, 2024 to Replace a Telecaster CTS Volume or Tone Pot I am not a pro-guitar tech but for those of you like me this might prove useful in regards to similar issues 🙂 This is a guide on how to replace a tone pot. I thought I would film this in case anyone else was having problems changing their volume or tone pots on an electric guitar. The problem I faced was very unique and it was also very unpredictable I only later found out that it might be the tone pot. Tapping the plate was enough to cause it to buzz but I never tapped the tone pot until just the other day. I hope this video helps someone. Find me on Facebook This YouTube channel participates in Affiliate programs. These programs are designed in a way for the channel to earn an income by using the links provided in the description or pinned comment section. Please note: Not all links on this Youtube channel are affiliate links. Telecaster Guitars 250k500kCTSFenderGuidehow toreplaceTeletelecastertone potvolume pot