Changing / replacing pickguard on Fender Telecaster (pick guard, Squier, Squire) Admin, February 6, 2024 on how to change the pickguard on your Fender or Squier (not Squire 🙂 Telecaster. Applies to Telecaster, Nocaster, Broadcaster etc. as long as the pickups aren’t attached to the pickguard – if there are no screws going through the pickguard on each side of the pickup, then you can follow these instructions. Make sure you get a pickguard with the same number of screws (5, 8 or 9) or you’ll have to drill new holes in your guitar which may affect its value Telecaster Guitars broadcasterFenderguitarmaintenancenocasterpick guardpickguardrepairSquiersquiretelecasterthinline